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DTrik : The Magic of Wayne Dobson

USB PDF & DVD Pack 1

USB PDF & DVD Pack 1

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Part of a trilogy of USB Magic Kits

This is a great offer and full to the brim of magic!  Wayne Dobson presents USB PDF & DVD Pack 1.  A collection of PDF's and DVD's for the magician who wants magic that will pack a punch.

What's included :

Early Dobson Vol. 1 - DVD

Wayne Dobson is proud to present this reduscivered archive TV performance footage of some of his finest close up material, performed in his classic style in front of a live studio audience and on various TV show guest appearences.

Now with the help of his Right (and left) hand man Mike Sullivan, 8 powerful 'Real World' effects are explained in detail, covering the methods and routining in order for you to add them to your magic repetoire.

Featured Effects:

  • Departure Point
  • Sandwich Trick
  • Flip
  • Coins in Glass
  • Lightning Matrix
  • Cap & Pence
  • Continous Do as I do
  • Razor & Invisible Card

Stand Up Dobson - DVD

Wayne Dobson is proud to present this rediscovered archive TV performance footage of some of his finest stand up material, performed in his classic style in front of a live studio audience and on various TV show guest appearances.

If you are looking for solid comedy routines that are easy to do, then look no further... 7 of Wayne's classic routines are explained in detail, covering the elegantly simple methods that have hard hitting entertainment value.

Featured Effects:

  • Egg Bag
  • Nailed
  • Spelt
  • Invisible
  • Bananadrama
  • Knife Thru Coat
  • Tossed Deck
  • Bonus Effect: Five Card Repeat

Fifty Shades of Gold - PDF

From a star studded career on the biggest stages. Royal command performances and years in TV, Wayne Dobson finally reveals his top 50 golden rules of stagecraft.

Learn how to transform your performance with tried and tested advice and tips from the master.

This PDF contains 50 stagecraft tips that will take your stage performance to the next level and beyond...

Foreword by Joe Pasquale

"24 carat! A lifetime of professional advice and wisdom distilled into a potent potion that will turn your magic to gold!"
- Jeff McBride

"50 pearls of wisdom that you can learn in 50 minutes, without spending 50 years on trial and error"
- Luis de Matos

Marked 4 Life - PDF

From Wayne Dobson:

"If used correctly, one of the most powerful tools in card magic is the marked deck. In this new compilation, I have included 8 routines – all of which have been tried and tested and I can honestly say they are real killers!

I always have a marked deck in use, even if I don’t need it. I personally use the Ted Lesley marked deck. However, any marked deck can be used. I had my marked deck made for me using 3 mm white rub down letters because now I am over 50 years old, the slightly bigger letters are much easier to read.

I’ve had lots of fun performing the tricks in this new collection, and I know that you will too."

Look No Hands - PDF

10 Incredible Hands Off routines

The one condition I set myself in developing these routines is that effects would not be diluted just because they were 'Hands Off' - in fact, if anything, they would become stronger. Well they did become stronger, much stronger! A couple of these routines have been published before however they have now been fully updated to become totally 'Hands Off'. For instance my 'Echo' routine is fully described with complete patter and a new finish. There are also lots of new routines that are all extremely commercial.


  • Out Of My Hands - This is literally... Out Of This World! 
  • The SH*T Spell - Could be shot or shut, but it's actually sh*t! 
  • McDobson's Aces - Nothing Two Faced about this trick! 
  • Echo - You, hilariously, teach them how to perform a card trick. 
  • Card Trick - A selection is revealed in a truly impossible way, yet it's so easy! 
  • Invisible - The table, deck, card and card case are invisible - they don't even see the thumb tip! 
  • Second Chance - They'll have "no chance" to work this one out! 
  • Birthday Card - DIY version, with modified handling, of my marketed effect. 
  • Lucky Numbers - Both your lucky numbers are different, but they still lead to the same lucky card! 
  • Tossed Deck - I don't toss it myself anymore, I get some ' Other Tosser' to do it for me.

More Look No Hands - PDF

From Wayne Dobson:

"When I published ‘Look No Hands’ I knew it would have a certain appeal to people, however, I never in my wildest dreams expected it to be as successful as it was.  Here I am a couple of years later writing a follow-up due to the popularity of hands off magic, and I hope you’ll really enjoy this new collection.

I think it’s worth mentioning that I realize many of you will be tempted to use your hands when performing these tricks, as it’s natural for you to do so. Of course, it’s easy for me because I have no option – but do try these tricks hands off, because the ‘no hands’ angle brings a totally different dynamic to your performance. Plus, I know from experience that the reaction you’ll receive will be well worth it!

A couple of these effects have been published in some of my previous books, however these have been updated and made completely hands off. I am lucky enough to have had a couple of contributions from my good friends Jim Steinmeyer and Jerry Sadowitz, and the tricks that they have allowed me to publish are absolute gems and real workers.

Included in this publication are effects with coins, banknotes, personal effects, business cards, pens and of course cards. There is something here for everyone. But remember: Keep your hands to yourself!"

Six Masterpieces - PDF

Forget The Magnificent Seven and The Famous Five, instead... prepare to encounter Six Masterpieces from the fertile mind of Wayne Dobson.

The six jaw-droppingly good routines in this book were originally destined to be either marketed, as individual tricks, or unleashed on the unsuspecting magic world in the form of, what would have had to be, a high priced DVD. However, in these times of economic uncertainty, rather than put you to all that expense... Wayne has saved you a small fortune by publishing them all in this little book, which has cost you a fraction of what just one of the tricks would have cost as a marketed item.

To do this, he has had to put his thinking cap on and adapt all six routines so that you will be able to perform them with props that you either already have, will be able to buy or can make at very little cost.

My personal favorite is Once upon a Time - a routine which truly has a fairy tale ending! Wayne has cleverly built the prop for this item into the book itself.... genius!

Settle down now, fasten your safety belts, extinguish those cigarettes and enjoy the company of; Best Friends, Amnesia, Only Joking, Every Time, Perspiration and Once upon a Time.

As you can see you are getting a lot of magic from a true professional and genius.  The Look No Hands PDF's are worth 'TRIPLE' the cost and you get a 16GB memory stick.  This collection is sure to make you a better magician and who doesn't need another USB memory stick?

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